The Bonnaroo arch
Blowin' Bubbles
Devon & I eating delicious freshly baked Amish Doughnuts
Sarah Barthel of Phantogram....I love her.
H & M sheer shirt- I think it was $5 on sale
Super old converse
A Ralph Lauren backpack I got at a thrift store for like $15
& galaxy shorts pictured in more detail below
Thom Yorke... a name that needs no introduction.
Hand-painted galaxy shorts from The Gypsy Den. I'm in love.
We spotted Reggie Watts on the ferris wheel just before we went to his set in the Comedy Tent. Hilarious dude.
The last night at Bonnaroo & it was raining. I'm wearing a thrifted dress, my go-to spiked necklace from The Gypsy Den, and a sweater from The Gap's sale.
So basically Bonnaroo was/is awesome. We scored on some unusually cool weather for the fest this year and we were not complaining. This was my first year attending and it was amazing. And even though I did go to a festival that was hundreds of miles away from home, I still managed to stay true to my thrifty-ness. Instead of paying for a $300 four day pass plus camping and $240 travel expenses, we decided to volunteer at the fest through the Work Exchange Team (WET) which covered our full ticket, camping, and three $8 meal tokens to use at the festival vendors... it was a really great deal.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed some of these photos I managed to take. Below is link to a video compilation of some of the acts I saw over the weekend... enjoy!
Click here for the video!
These are the shows I made it to:
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Radiohead, Phantogram, The Beach Boys, Aziz Ansari, Reggie Watts, Phish, Rodrigo y Gabriela, The Roots, The Devil Makes Three, The Cave Singers, Alice Cooper, fun., and Ludacris.